CWTT2013 /
CPAN Workshop on Technology TransferBienvenidos al workshop de transferencia de tecnología del CPAN. 24 y 25 de junio de 2013, Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Sevilla
CPAN workshop on technology transfer. CNA, Seville, 24-25 June, 2013. During the days 24 and 25 of June we held the CPAN workshop on Technology Transfer, at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA). This event arises from the importance which the CPAN consortium, which includes 26 spanish groups working on Particle, Astroparticle and Nuclear physics, gives to the transfer of technology. The attendance to the workshop exceeded the most optimistic expectations of the organizers. We had 70 participants, representing 22 research groups and 15 companies. The program was very tight, with 34 contributions of 15 minutes each, plus several posters, two parallel discussion sessions on technology and applications, and a final round table. Nevertheless, there was some room for discussions during the coffee and lunch breaks, as well as time to socialize during the dinner beside the Guadalquivir river, just in front of the “Torre del Oro”. Contributions, both for companies and research groups, had a high level. The language spoken was common: high technology covering the demanding research needs of the groups, as well as the competitive requirements of the companies, within an international workshop. Frank discussions were held on the access of Spanish companies to calls of tender of national and international facilities, the role of patents, training and confidence building. But most important, the participants came to know each other, and bilateral contacts were established, which should give rise to further collaborations and technology transfer, both ways, between companies and academia. Link: Para cualquier consulta puede contactar con: Descargas |